Welcome to Fitness on the Fly
My name is Alex Morehouse and I am excited to have you on my website! I have been involved in personal fitness for more then a decade which means the trial and error portions I have already experienced so you don't have to.
I have done my best to get educated with credible certifications, courses, and by continuing my learning throughout my whole time personal training and have had great results with my clients, no matter their fitness goal!
I am confident I can help you define and succeed at your own idea of being healthy.
Your success is my success!
Getting Started
Interested in training with me? It is super easy to get started!
Step 1- Contact me at morehousal@gmail.com to set up a virtual consultation or phone call appointment that suits your schedule.
Step 2- During the appointment, I will ask you questions for Pre-Screening Physical Assessment and personal questions about your needs. Then a plan is made with actions you can start right away!
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