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How do I lose weight/fat at X area. This is a question I get often as a personal trainer at any gym and one I continue to hear today. Losing excess adipose tissue or fat cannot be done by training a certain area in hopes that it removes the unwanted tissue there. I first want to attempt to divert the attention of fat tissue from negative to functional. Held adipose tissue is evolutions way of storing energy for us to use later. It can also be a handy tool for insulation!  Where your body decides to store this extra tissue...

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(Myself rock climbing even though it is not optimal for my powerlifting. It's still fun and keep me motivated to be active.)  Lack of motivation is a common barrier I hear from clients. I myself have had times where I don't feel like doing a part of my program or just don't feel like doing any activity in a given day.  Having days off is totally fine and normal. At Fitness on the Fly we are trying to encourage life long changes which means if you are active more often then not I think you are on the right track. ...

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